Dream Come True
October 28, 2015, "10 Days in December" first shipment arrives!
I am so happy I can not stop grinning!

Christmas Craft Fairs 2015
Through pre-orders and Christmas Craft Fairs, I was able to break even right away.

Big store in the city of Kamloops BC
By spring, I had radio and TV interviews, and my books were for sale in a big 'Chapters' bookstore in the city of Kamloops, BC on the "Local Author" shelf.

Tiny Display of our Tiny House
Our 14x14foot cabin was heated only by the kitchen cook stove, which was not enough to chase away the chill when the temperature dropped to -40C.

Publicity Portrait
It's time to send out posters to other book stores in more cities!

Radio and TV interviews
How does a girl from the remote mountains of Canada prepare for a TV or radio interview? Fortunately the Host is very welcoming.

Live TV
First time ever. It was surprising to see myself on the screen.

Bonus for Readers
It was fun to invent this paper model of the cabin with an accurate interior so Readers can enjoy a more detailed experience as they follow our adventures.

Next Project
... an audio book...
I can't help laughing to be using this amazing digital technology to describe the primitive 'Back-to-Nature' lifestyle of 1978.

Sound Studio
The audio book is popular with patrons of the library.